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Math Factoring

When factoring binomials or trinomials use the following steps to help you.

When factoring binomials or trinomials use the following steps to help you.
1) FIRST always look for a common factor.
2) Look for perfect squares in the first and last terms.
3) Check the sign with the last term. Example 4x^2 – 12xy + 9y^2

a. If the sign is positive (example: x^2 – 6xy + 9) this tells you the
signs in the factors of your binomials will be the same. It also
tells you to add to get the middle term of the trinomial.

b. If the sign is negative the signs in the factors of the 2 binomials
will be opposites. It also tells you that you will subtract to get
the middle term of the trinomial or binomial you are factoring.