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Math 106 - College Algebra

Course Information

Course Title: Math 106, College Algebra
Credit: 3 semester hours Meeting Times and Places: TR, 2:30 – 3:45 or 4:30 - 5:45, HS-111 Required Text: College Algebra, 8th Edition, Barnett, Ziegler, Byleen, McGraw Hill Prerequisites: MAT 095 or three years of college preparatory mathematics, or permission of instructor.

Department Mission

In keeping with the College mission, the mission of the mathematics/science division is to provide a strong academic foundation in mathematics and in the sciences to fulfill requirements for liberal arts and pre-professional programs.

Since College Algebra is required as a minimum for many majors and as a prerequisite for higher-level mathematics courses, SCC offers this course so that you will be prepared for continuing study in your chosen field.

Department Outcomes

After completing this course, you will be able to:

•become an active learner by formulating mathematical concepts, either individually or cooperatively in groups;

•recognize patterns and use them to help in solving unfamiliar problems;

•use a graphing calculator to explore mathematical concepts and applications;

•approach mathematical thinking with competence and confidence;

•identify problems and use technically sound analytical approaches to solving them;

•develop good work habits and skills that will be useful throughout the college years and beyond.

Purpose of the Course

The purpose of this course is to develop and extend concepts taught in introductory algebra courses. This course is required as a minimum for many majors, but it will also serve as excellent preparation for continuing in mathematics, or any field of study requiring mathematics. College Algebra will, of course, count toward the six hour math/science requirement at SCC.

Course Description

College Algebra includes the study of the properties of real numbers, equations and inequalities, functions, logarithms, determinants, and matrices. The primary mode of instruction will be the lecture (with use of the board, overhead, and calculator). You are encouraged to work together both inside and outside of class, to ask for help as needed, and to use the materials in the library as an aid to your understanding of the materials taught and/or to review topics from previous courses.

Course Objectives

After completing this course, you will be able to:

•simplify expressions involving exponents, polynomials, radicals, complex numbers, etc.

•solve linear and quadratic equations and inequalities;

•graph linear, quadratic, and rational functions;

•solve systems of equations and inequalities in two or more variables by a variety of methods;

•solve applications using the above techniques.


Required text
Student Solutions Manual
Resource Center (Hours will be announced).
Calculator – Scientific. (A TI-83 or TI-84 is recommended but not required).

Course Requirements

Major tests worth 100 points each will be given after Chapter R, Chapters 1&2, and Chapters 2&3. All material covered after the 3rd major test will be evaluated on the final exam. Quizzes may be given at any time during class, or as a take-home assignment, and will be worth 20 points each. Homework assignments, which will be worth 10 points each, will be checked at the beginning of each class period and must show all work in order for credit to be given. The final exam will be comprehensive and will be worth 200 points.

Evaluation and Grading Procedure

Grades for this course will be based on three categories. These categories, along with the weights given to each, are given below.

1. Tests – 65% (Final will count as 2 tests)
2. Quizzes – 20%
3. Homework assignments – 15%

In each category, the total number of points earned will be divided by the total possible
points and multiplied by the percentage for that category. The percentages for the three
categories will then be added to obtain a final average for the course.

For example, John received 420 points out of a possible 500 on tests, 160 points out of a
possible 180 on quizzes, and 140 points out of a possible 170 on homework and class
assignments. His grade would be computed as follows:

To determine the final letter grade for the course, the following grading scale will be

Below 60% F (No credit for the course)
60% - 69% D (Passing grade at SCC which will not transfer to
other colleges)
70% - 79% C (Lowest passing grade which will transfer to other
80% - 89% B (Above average grade in this course)
90% - 100% A (Grade which reveals "outstanding scholarship with
evidence of initiative and originality as well as

According to this grading scale, John would receive a grade of B for the course.

Attendance Policy

You are expected to attend all class meetings, to be on time, and to stay in class for the
entire class period. Please do not leave class except for an extreme emergency!!
After 2 absences in the course, you may make up quizzes or homework only with a
documented excuse, which may include doctor or dental appointment, court appearance,
funeral, school activity, or other extraordinary circumstance. If an absence is
unexcused, the homework which was assigned on the day of the absence will not
receive credit. If you miss a major test, you must provide me with a documented excuse
regardless of the number of absences you have in the course. Please let me know before
the test if you will not be present for any reason.

If you have no absences or tardies for the entire course, 10 points will be added to the
total earned points in the test category before final grades are determined. If you have
only one documented excused absence, 5 points will be added to the test category. In
order to receive credit after an excused absence, you must make up homework assignments and quizzes within 1 week.

How to Study For This Course

As you begin this course, consider what you want to accomplish and how much effort you are willing to put into the course. Remember at all times that you, the student, are the center of the learning process, and your success ultimately will depend only on you. Keep each of the following self-management techniques in mind as you progress through this course:

•Attend all class meetings and be on time.

•Take notes.

•Keep an organized notebook with all assignments and class notes.

•Ask questions in class about anything you don't understand.

•Be prepared for each class meeting with paper, pencil, and calculator.

•Read the text. You will find a clear explanation of the assignment along with many examples.

•Work all assigned exercises. Refer to the answers in the back of the book to check your work.

•Work with a friend.

•Get help at the Resource Center, if needed, early in the semester.

•Before each major test, review all notes and exercises in the chapter. Pay particular attention to the review sheet you will be given.