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Course Syllabus for Basic Concepts of Mathematics

COURSE OBJECTIVE: Pre-algebra and beginning algebra topics: arithmetic of real numbers and polynomials (including
factoring); solving linear equations; graphing in two variables; applications and modeling. Students required to take this
course must complete it with a C- or better within four quarters of enrollment or face suspension/dismissal. ASC 080 and the
next required level of pre-college algebra, MATH 090, do not count toward graduation in any degree program. Thus,
students who have taken these two courses must complete at least 190 hours to graduate.

PREREQUISITE: One of the following is required for enrollment in this course:
• Qualification through the department’s placement exam

• Introductory Algebra, An Applied Approach, 7th Edition, Aufmann, Barker, Lockwood, Houghton Mifflin, 2006.
• Text specific DVD’s are available in the library.
• Graphing calculator (TI-83 or TI-84 series is preferred). Calculators may not be shared for any graded activity.
Calculators that can do symbolic manipulation are not allowed (i.e. TI-89, TI-92, TI-Nspire, or similar HP, Casio, or
Sharp calculators).

A- (90-92); A (93-100)
B- (80-82); B (83-86); B+ (87-89)
C- (70-72); C (73-76); C+ (77-79)
D (60-66); D+ (67-69)
F (0-60)

Homework: 5% -- Assigned problems for each lesson; turned in the following class. Homework is NOT objectively graded.
Quizzes: 15% -- See schedule; lowest grade is dropped.
Tests: 50% -- See schedule; thorough testing of concepts and procedures.
Exam: 30% -- Comprehensive. The exam must be passed to pass the course.

I recommend you keep all returned papers for review and grade verification.

1.1-1.8; 2.1-2.3; 3.1-3.6; 4.1-4.5; 5.1-5.4; 6.6-6.7; 7.1-7.4; 10.1-10.2

• You are expected to attend each class. If you should miss a class, you are still responsible for the material covered in
your absence.
• You are expected to take the tests/quizzes on the scheduled night even if you missed the previous class. Missed
tests/quizzes are recorded as zeros. If you should miss a test/quiz due to extreme circumstances beyond your control,
effort should be made to make up the test/quiz before the next class. “I’m not ready” is not a valid excuse to miss a test
or quiz!

PARTICIPATION: Mathematics is not a spectator sport!
Students are expected to:
1. read as a part of learning mathematics,
2. be actively involved in problem solving, and
3. discuss the mathematics they are learning.
Active involvement is vital in learning mathematics. Your participation helps us to diagnose strengths and weaknesses
before the formal test evaluation.

Practice is a necessary part of learning mathematics. As such, all exercises are suggested as practice problems. Specific
homework problems will be assigned from the text daily, but are typically not collected for grading. The list will offer
minimal coverage of the material. Work as many problems as are necessary for you to master the material. When you feel
confident with the material for a particular lesson, turn in your work for completion credit.

WORKLOAD: “Students are expected to spend three hours per week (including class hours) in study for each quarter hour
of credit attempted” (Otterbein College Course Catalog, p. 300). As such, this 5 credit hour class requires 15 hours per week.
Five hours are in class, leaving ten hours outside of class. It is highly recommended this time be spread over several days, as
daily interaction with the material generally maximizes learning. If possible, I recommend your involvement in study groups
of other class members. Cooperative learning is a valuable learning technique.

ELECTRONIC DEVICES IN THE CLASSROOM: As a courtesy to your fellow classmates and instructor, please turn
off your cell phone, beeper, or anything else that might cause a disturbance during class. Thank you!!

ACADEMIC MISCONDUCT POLICY: Students are encouraged to help each other learn the course material. Unless
specifically prohibited, you may discuss homework problems with one another. Participants in these discussions usually
enjoy the benefit of deeper and greater learning. However, all work submitted for evaluation that is based on discussions
with others must be your own work. Any work submitted for evaluation that includes work done by another, or copying of
another’s work, is a case of misconduct. When academic misconduct is found in any assignment or examination submitted
for evaluation, the student will receive a zero grade for that assignment or exam. The misconduct will be reported to the
Office of the Academic Dean, and if a previous academic misconduct offense is on your record, you will receive a grade of F
for the course and a referral to the judicial system of the college.

DISABILITY SERVICES: Students with disabilities must have them documented and registered with the Academic
Support Center if they wish to be granted special treatment (extra time on tests, quiet environment, etc.).

• I should be in the classroom at least 15-30 min. before each class and will stay after class as needed.
• The Academic Support Center on the second floor of the library offers walk-in tutoring for this course (extension 1610).
• One or more copies of the text, the student study and solutions guide, and a text-related graphing calculator guide are on
closed reserve in the library.
• A variety of general math helps are available on the Internet. See me if you have trouble finding them.