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Elementary Algebra

I. Faculty Information:
A. Instructor: D. Monbrod
B. Office Location: 4148 U
C. Mailbox Location: 4148
D. Phone: 708-596-2000 ext. 2342
E. Office Hours: TBA

II. Course Identification
A. Credit Hours: 4
B. Total Contact Hours: 4 – Lecture; 0 – Lab
C. Days/Hours/Place Course Meets: TBA
D. Prerequisite: MTH 093 with a grade of “C” or better, qualifying score on the
ASSET test.
E. Catalog Description: Elementary concepts of algebra will be covered
including solving linear equations and inequalities, polynomial operations and
factoring, rational expressions, graphing linear equations, solving quadratic
equations and solving application problems.

III. Textbooks/Supplies
A. Optional: Martin-Gay, Beginning and Intermediate Algebra, 4th Edition,
Prentice Hall, 2009.
B. Required: MyMathLab Access Code. Make sure the book you purchase has
the MyMathLab access code if you plan to use it, or purchase the online
access alone without the book (ebook is online)
C. Graph paper will be useful for parts of the course.
D. A simple calculator will be used for parts of this course.
E. A valid email address is required for registration on the website.
F. Course id: monbrod63437

IV. Course End Competencies
The Student will be able to:
A. Identify and use rules of algebra and exponents.
B. Solve linear equations and inequalities.
C. Perform fundamental operations on polynomials, including factoring.
D. Solve 2 by 2 and 3 by 3 linear systems of equations.
E. Solve quadratic equations by factoring.
F. Identify intercepts and draw graphs of lines.
G. Compute slope and write the equations of lines.
H. Solve applications using linear, quadratic, and systems of linear equations.
I. Recognize the relationship between arithmetic and algebra.
J. Define and evaluate functions using functional notation.
K. Simplify rational expressions.

V. Classroom Policies/ Procedures
A. A student who does not officially withdraw from the course may receive a
grade of “F” for the course grade.
B. No food or drink is allowed in the classroom.

If a student misses more than 4 classes during the semester, he or she may be
assigned a “teacher F”. Attendance and class participation will be taken into
account in borderline course grade situations. If you must miss a class, it is your
responsibility to find out what you missed that day on your own time not during
class. If a student has a verifiable medical emergency, exceptions to these rules
may be made at the discretion of the instructor.

D. Tardiness:
• Keep in mind that most quizzes will be given at the start of the class
period, and no extra time will be given to late starters.
• If a quiz or test is in progress when a student comes in late, that student
will not be given extra time to work on the quiz or test.
• If a student arrives late during a test after another student has finished his
test and left the room, the late student will not be allowed to take the test
and will receive a zero on that test.
• Because it is rude, inconsiderate, and disruptive to the educational process,
no one is allowed to leave the room during class or during a test or quiz
unless that person has a doctor’s note describing the medical condition
that necessitates his or her leaving.

E. Cheating: All graded work including tests, quizzes, assignments, and
homework is to be done by the individual student alone unless it is stated that
group work is allowed. If it is determined that a student is involved in
cheating, that student will receive a score of zero (0) on the
test/quiz/assignment for the first incident. A student’s second incidence of
cheating will result in a failing grade (F) for the course. Take home
assignments are to be done by the individual alone unless stated otherwise.
All students must adhere to SSC’s Academic and Student Codes of

F. The following are disruptive to the educational process and are not allowed in
• Sharpening pencils (with the classroom wall sharpener) after class has
• Phones should be turned off while in class. All electronic devices need
to be turned off and be kept off the desks and out of sight during class.
This includes phones, -pods, mp3 players, disk players, etc.
• Eating food or drinking beverages is not allowed in the classroom. This is
to help keep the classroom free of garbage, spills, and bugs, and it is a
college policy.
• Talking loudly (at a level that interferes with the instructor’s speaking)
while the instructor is speaking to the class or while a student is trying to
talk to the instructor is not allowed. If you need to be told to be quiet
more than once, you will be asked to leave and be marked absent.
• Talking during a test or quiz is not allowed.
• Sleeping is not allowed. If you are sleeping you will be marked absent.
• Children are NOT allowed in the classroom and are NOT to be allowed in
hallways unless accompanied by an adult. Check the college’s daycare
center if you are in need of temporary childcare.

VI. Grading
A. Tests: There will be 6 unit exams and a comprehensive final exam. Exams
will be announced approximately a week in advance. NO MAKE-UP
Your lowest scored exam will not be counted in the course grade. When
multiple choice scantron tests are given, after a test is turned in, you will not
be allowed to change the scantron answers for any reason. Make sure you
select the answer you want before you turn in the test. If necessary ask the
instructor for a new scantron sheet if you are in doubt about the condition and
readability of your scantron. The final exam is mandatory and
comprehensive. The final exam cannot be dropped.
B. Quizzes: There will be several quizzes (6-10) given in class throughout the
semester. These quizzes will normally be given about every week-and-a-half,
and they may or may not be announced in advance. The two lowest scored
quizzes will not be counted. NO MAKE-UP QUIZZES WILL BE GIVEN
C. Homework: You should try to complete as much of the assigned homework
as possible before the next class meeting. Number these according to the
chapter and section so you can reference them later in class or when you are
reviewing for tests. This will be helpful later when you study for a test or
quiz. Your progress on the homework exercises will have a big impact on
your success in this class, as we will discuss some of the homework in class
and you will be tested and quizzed on the underlying concepts covered in the
homework exercises. Although the homework accounts for only 10% of your
course grade, do not underestimate the importance of doing homework.
Higher homework scores usually translate to higher test scores and higher
course grades. Late homework assignments will lose 10% of their score for
each late day.
D. Extra Credit: None planned for this class except an occasional bonus problem
on tests or quizzes.
E. Grade

Percent Breakdown  Scale Used
Tests 60% A 90-100%
Quizzes 10% B 80-89%
Homework 10% C 70-79%
Final Exam 20% D 60-69%
  F 0 – 59%

VII. Help!
Keep in mind that you need to study an average of 2 hours outside of class for
every 1 hour the class meets. This means that you will need to allow for an
average of 8 hours of study/homework time for this course outside of class. Free
tutoring is available in the Academic Assistance Center (2264) and from the Math
140 Club. Ask questions in class. Discuss homework with your classmates when
possible. Forming study groups can also be helpful. We may not have time to
answer all of your questions regarding homework during class. Try to utilize any
available tutorial software that accompanies the text. Try to use the resources of
MyMathLab to the fullest extent on the internet. Try to see me in my office for

VIII. Schedule/Outline*

Week of  Topics /Activity
1/26 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5
2/2 1.6, 1.7, 1.8, 2.1
2/9 2.2, 2.3, Test 1 Chapter 1
2/16 No Class President’s Day 2/16, 2.4, 2.5, 2.6
2/23 2.7, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4
3/2 Test 2 Chapter 2, 3.5, 3.6
3/9 Mid Term Break
3/16 3.7, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3
3/23 Test 3 Chapter 3 4.4, 4.5
3/30 5.1, 5.2, Test 4 Chapter 4
4/6 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6,
4/13 5.7, 6.1, 6.2, 6.3
4/20 Test 5 Chapter 5, 6.4, 6.5, (Last Day to Withdraw By 4/24)
4/27 6.6, 7.1
5/4 Test 6 on Chapters 6 and 7.1, Review
5/11 Final Exam TBA

*Instructor reserves right to adjust this schedule to meet needs of class. Changes will be announced in class when they occur.