Algebraic Concepts
M3.D Algebraic Concepts
M3.D.1 Demonstrate an understanding of patterns, relations and functions.
M3.D.1.1 Recognize, describe, or extend a variety of patterns. Reference: 2.8.3.A, 2.11.3.D
M3.D.1.1.1 Extend or find a missing element in a pattern of numbers or shapes (pattern must show 3 repetitions – if multiples are used, limit to 2, 3 or 5). M3.D.1.1.2 Identify/describe the rule for a pattern shown (pattern must show 3 repetitions –if multiples are used, limit to 2, 3 or 5).
M3.D.1.2 Demonstrate simple function rules. Reference: 2.8.3.I |
M3.D.1.2.1 Determine the missing element in a function table (functions may use +, - or x; allowable multiples are 2, 3 or 5; tables must have 3 INs and 3 OUTs listed). |
M3.D.2 Represent and/or analyze mathematical situations using numbers, symbols, words, tables and/or graphs. |
M3.D.2.1 Create/model expressions, equations and inequalities to match a problem situation. Reference: 2.8.3.D |
M3.D.2.1.1 Create or match a story to a given combination of symbols (+, - , x, <, >, =) and numbers. M3.D.2.1.2 Choose the number sentence that matches a given story (one operation, + or - only). |
M3.D.2.2 Determine the missing number or symbol in a number sentence. Reference: 2.8.3.B, 2.8.3.F
M3.D.2.1.1 Create or match a story to a given combination of symbols (+, - , x, <, >, =) and number up to 18 using +,-,or x through 9x5). |
M5.D.1 Demonstrate an understanding of patterns, relations and functions. |
M5.D.1.1 Create or extend patterns. Reference: 2.8.5.A |
M5.D.1.1.1 Extend or find a missing element in a numerical or simple geometric pattern (pattern must show 3 repetitions). M5.D.1.1.2 Create a numerical or geometric pattern showing 3 repetitions of that pattern.
M5.D.1.2 Analyze patterns. Reference: 2.8.5.C |
M5.D.1.2.1 Form a rule based on a given pattern, or illustrate a pattern based on a given rule (whole numbers up to 1 00 - patterns must show 3 repetitions).
M5.D.2.1 Select and/or use appropriate strategies, including concrete materials, to solve number sentences. Reference: 2.8.5.F, 2.8.5.G |
M5.D.2.1.1 Solve for a missing number (blank, question mark, variable)in an equation involving a single operation. M5.D.2.1.2
M5.D.3.1 Describe the relationship between rate of change and another variable (e.g., time, temperature). Reference: 2.11.5.D |
M5.D.3.1.1 Solve problems involving a constant rate of change (e.g., word problems, graphs or data tables). |
M8.D.1 Demonstrate an understanding of patterns, relations and functions. | \
M8.D.1.1 Analyze, extend or develop descriptions of patterns or functions. Reference: 2.8.8.B, 2.8.8.G, 2.11.8.C | \
M8.D.1.1.1 Continue a numeric or algebraic pattern that could be extended infinitely (pattern must show 3 repetitions – may include up to 2 operations, squares and square roots). M8.D.1.1.2 Find missing elements in numeric, geometric or graphic patterns and/or functions (may be given a table or rule –pattern must show 3 repetitions). M8.D.1.1.3 Write/state the rule of a function (given elements in an input -output table, chart or list). |
M8.D.2.1 Select and/or use a strategy to simplify an expression, solve an equation or inequality and/or check the solution for accuracy. Reference: 2.8.8.C, 2.8.8.E | \
M8.D.2.1.1 Solve one- or two-step equations and inequalities (should not include absolute values – one variable only). M8.D.2.1.2 Use substitution to check the accuracy of a given value for an equation or inequality (simple inequalities with one variable). M8.D.2.1.3 Determine the value of an algebraic expression by simplifying and/or substituting a value for the variable. |
M8.D.2.2 Create and/or interpret expressions, equations or inequalities that model problem situations. Reference: 2.8.8.C | \
M8.D.2.2.1 |