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Author Message


Registered: 09.03.2004
From: UK

Posted: Friday 03rd of Aug 11:08    

Holla guys and gals! Recently I hired a private tutor to help me with some topics in algebra. My problem areas included topics such as graphing linear inequalities in two variables solver and graphing equations. Now that instructor turned out to be so dumb , that instead of helping me now I’m even more confused than I used to be. I still can’t solve problems on those topics. And the exam time is fast approaching . I need someone to help me out. Is there anything significant that can be done to get some sort of help? I have a good set of questions to help me learn these topics, but the problem is I just can’t solve them, no matter how much I try . Please help!
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Registered: 08.03.2007
From: egypt,alexandria

Posted: Friday 03rd of Aug 13:30    

There used to be a time when those were the only ways out. But thanks to technology now, we have something known as the Algebrator! It’s an easy to use software , something which even a total newbie would enjoy working on and the best part is that it would solve all your questions and also explain the steps it took to reach that answer! Isn’t that fabulous? Well I think it is, and I’m sure after using it trying it, you won’t disagree with me .
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Registered: 05.07.2001
From: Toronto, Ontario

Posted: Saturday 04th of Aug 15:55    

Hello, just a year ago, I was stuck in a similar scenario . I had even considered the option of leaving math and taking up some other subject. A friend of mine told me to give one last chance and sent me a copy of Algebrator. I was at comfort with it within an hour. My grades have really improved within the last year .
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Registered: 26.01.2002
From: Nottingham, UK

Posted: Sunday 05th of Aug 20:37    

I just hope this tool isn’t very complicated. I am not so good with the computer stuff. Can I get the product description, so I know what it has to offer?
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Registered: 14.10.2002

Posted: Monday 06th of Aug 13:28    

The program can be found at
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Registered: 23.11.2001
From: Leeds, UK

Posted: Tuesday 07th of Aug 07:42    

I am a regular user of Algebrator. It not only helps me complete my assignments faster, the detailed explanations provided makes understanding the concepts easier. I strongly suggest using it to help improve problem solving skills.
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