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factor the polynomial x2 + 9x + 8
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Author Message


Registered: 09.06.2002
From: Upstate NY

Posted: Friday 03rd of Aug 13:20    

Hello friends, I am studying factor the polynomial x2 + 9x + 8. I am in search of a resource that can give me answers to the problems. I need to pass this course with good grades. I can’t give it time because I work in the afternoon as well. Any tool that can help me do my homework would really be appreciated.
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Registered: 21.03.2005
From: Prague, Czech Republic

Posted: Saturday 04th of Aug 15:25    

I know how annoying it can be if you are clueless with factor the polynomial x2 + 9x + 8. It’s a bit hard to help without a better idea of your requirements. But if you rather not get a tutor, then why not just use some program and how you go . There are myriads of programs out there, but one you should get a hold of would be Algebrator. It is pretty handy plus it is quite affordable .
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Registered: 16.05.2004
From: Welly, NZ

Posted: Monday 06th of Aug 07:40    

Oh wow! Nice to see that people use Algebrator here as well. I can guarantee the usefulness of this program. It is simply awesome .
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Registered: 24.05.2003

Posted: Tuesday 07th of Aug 09:46    

I'm so happy I got these answers so fast, I can't wait to check out Algebrator. Can you tell me one more thing, where could I find this software ? I'm not so good at looking for things like this, so it would be great if you could give me a URL. Thanks a lot!
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Registered: 16.04.2003
From: the wastelands between insomnia and clairvoyance

Posted: Wednesday 08th of Aug 12:30    

solving inequalities, factoring polynomials and lcf were a nightmare for me until I found Algebrator, which is really the best algebra program that I have come across. I have used it through many math classes – Algebra 2, Pre Algebra and Remedial Algebra. Simply typing in the math problem and clicking on Solve, Algebrator generates step-by-step solution to the problem, and my algebra homework would be ready. I truly recommend the program.
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Registered: 07.11.2001
From: Austin, TX

Posted: Thursday 09th of Aug 14:16    

Go to You will find that it has quite a lot of cool things to offer.
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